As He journeyed with a group of His disciples, Matthew records an interesting interchange. One of the women approached Jesus. She was the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. She asked the Master what seems to us to be a rather presumptuous and impudent question:
Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on the right hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom.We infer from her words that she probably had the common misconception about the Savior's kingdom being an earthly one, that His power would be political, and His rise to power imminent. It probably also shows a little bit of what I think is in every mother, a hope and desire that her sons will "turn out," will be successful and special.
Jesus could have responded with a lecture, or a rebuke, or have even ignored her naïveté. But His words are sensitive and thoughtful:
Ye know not what ye ask.